Hunger Awareness Week (HAW) consists of a series of events put on throughout the course of a week (this year, March 9th-13th), with the goal of raising awareness of hunger issues around the world. This year, we are looking to showcase the interdisciplinary nature of the complex issue of hunger. 

  We are hoping to devote several events to subjects which, although not usually associated with the issue, are absolutely integral to understanding the root causes, effects, and potential solutions to local and global hunger: business & economics, agriculture, engineering, international development, health, genetic modification, plant science, nutrition, adult/child development, etc.)
  The first topic we thought of is food aid. We want to examine current systems of international and national food aid in a critical discussion about its successes, flaws and potential for future change/improvement. We think this topic could be approached from various standpoints i.e. economic, social, agricultural (etc).

  Our second topic of interest is the potential of refocusing global agriculture from viewing industrial agriculture as the solution to feeding the Earth's growing human population towards the potential of small-scale, highly productive and sustainable agriculture. We see this discussion as more than just the local-foods movement, but about diverse, region-specific agriculture sustaining local populations; about how governments can assist in facilitating this shift both nationally and internationally; about the science behind small-scale agriculture and its benefits to society and the environment; we think that a very dynamic discussion could be held on this topic.
Swatch of the HAW 2015 logo, an interpretation of the various schools, humanities, and applied sciences fields that coincide on the topic of food security and hunger awareness.
The schedule of events.
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